
Residents at Ballard Point Raise Safety Issues

Replacing their patio door has become an urgent need, complicated by the fact that these doors are outdated and not readily available in the market.
It is worth noting that EPI Management's performance, as reflected in their Google reviews

Around two years ago, significant changes were implemented at Ballard Point Condos when the previous board of directors made the decision to enhance the complex’s appearance with the addition of landscape stones. However, this choice sparked a wave of concerns among the residents, which continues to resonate within the community.

The primary concern that dominated residents’ discussions was the introduction of landscape stones throughout the property. While the idea aimed to beautify the complex, it raised genuine worries about safety. The landscape stones, now scattered across the premises, triggered fears that they might inadvertently become sources of risk for the community.

At the heart of these concerns was the presence of numerous young children residing within the complex. Worries mounted over the possibility that these stones could be used in unintended ways, such as being thrown across grassy areas and roads. Parents and guardians expressed their apprehension, hoping to ensure the safety of their children.

Despite the residents’ vocalized concerns, it seemed that both the previous board of directors and the management company, EPI Management, did not fully address or acknowledge these anxieties. They proceeded with the installation of the landscape stones, incurring an expense exceeding $90,000.

The poor Google reviews of EPIC Management from other managed complexes underscore the ongoing concerns about their management practices at Ballard Point Condos.

It is worth noting that EPI Management’s performance, as reflected in their Google reviews, has already been a matter of concern among residents. Other condominium complexes managed by EPI have reported poor experiences with their property management practices, further fueling doubts about the company’s competence in managing Ballard Point Condos.

Recent events have only deepened the residents’ worries. During routine landscaping activities, such as mowing the lawn, an incident occurred where a neighbor’s patio window was blown out. The suspicion is that this damage was caused by the landscapers’ activities, reinforcing the concerns previously raised by residents regarding potential hazards.

This unfortunate incident has placed the affected resident in a challenging situation. Replacing their patio door has become an urgent need, complicated by the fact that these doors are outdated and not readily available in the market. The new board of directors has not inspired much confidence, as they appear to be shifting the responsibility for such replacements onto the residents themselves.

This situation echoes a previous incident involving flooding in two units, which the board of directors has addressed. As a result, discontent among residents is growing, fueled by the perception that their concerns are not being adequately heard or acted upon.

We will maintain a vigilant watch on this situation and keep you informed about any further developments regarding the resident whose patio door was damaged, a situation possibly linked to the presence of landscape rocks throughout the complex. We will also stay updated on any actions taken by both the board of directors and the new property management company, Safe Property Management IL INC.

An edit to his post: One of the residents in our community recently contacted us to bring up a concerning matter. It has come to my attention that both the Board of Directors and Safe Property Management IL INC approached a homeowner and informed them that they must utilize their personal insurance to cover the repair costs for their damaged patio door. This situation seems unjustifiable because the landscaping service was hired by the Board of Directors, not the homeowner. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to replace the homeowner’s patio door, rather than the homeowner having to rely on their insurance.

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